Monday, March 22, 2010

World Day for Water

Today we celebrate the World Day of Water, scientifically known as H2O, the water is one of the most important things in our life as we always need it to survive and we are also surrounded by water, 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water and as we use water to drink to survive, also for fun, water may be very destructive as seen in floods and tsunamis, our Earth is in constant change, and unfortunately not a good one, let us always remember this day and do out best to preserve water.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Róisín Murphy [Overpowered]

Justo ayer fue St. Patrick's Day, una de las fiestas irlandesas por excelencia y en honor a eso les traigo Róisín Murphy, cantante y productora irlandesa. En el 2005 saco su primer álbum titulado: Ruby Blue y luego en el 2007 Overpowered (album que recomiendo), en dicho album la canción #8: Dear Miami es mi favorita. Arriba le muestro la caratula del CD mas reciente, sin embargo en el 2009 saco la canción: Orally Fixated y ahora en el 2010 saco: Momma's Place, ambas canciones estarán en su tercera producción, a la fecha sin titulo. Debajo tambien les dejo el video de Overpowered. ENJOY!

Nicola Formichetti

The guy in the picture is Nicola Formichetti, head stylist of HAUS OF GAGA, this creative person has been working with LADY GAGA since the beggining and is author of many different ideas and almost all the "crazy" stuff in the singers videos and outfits. This 33-year old guy comes from a Italian/Japanese descent and currently lives between Tokyo, New York and London (nice!).
You may visit his website to check out some of his others works.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alexander McQueen: Ultimos diseños

Estos diseños del fallecido genio fueron mostrados en una sesión en privado. Avant-garde!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gustav Klimt

It has been a while!, this is what I expressed before I started creating this tutorial in reference to a painting from Gustav Klimt. Do I love art? and it turned out to be almost perfect. It though me a lot that Illustrator tutorial and the results were excellent! Don't you think?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lady GaGa's Telephone (Feat. Beyoncé)

We did it honey bee! comienzo con esta frase, aqui les dejo este excelente video de la excentrica, sexy y atrevida Lady GaGa la cual se vuelve a unir con la espectacular Beyoncé y juntas esta vez hicieron mucho mas! El video esta SUPER POP (lo cual me encanta) y ni hablar del tema y los diferentes vestuarios y escenarios utilizados. En este video tambien aparece el modelo y actor Tyrese Gibson, ademas de la banda Neoyorkina Semi Precious Weapons y tambien Jai Rodriguez, el Culture Vulture de Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Enjoy!